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Visiting the OARDC in Wooster, Ohio with our homeschooling group.

I love being able to multi-task our homeschooling and the boys enjoy my new mini-trampoline as much as I do as you’ll see in these videos. You don’t have to have a trampoline though, be creative!  These videos are less than one minute in length each and you’ll have to view them by clicking through to my blog or visit my channel on .

Video #1:  Combining exercise and skip-counting practice for my kindergartner.

Video #2:  Combining science, music, exercise and art or illustration.

On this particular day we were learning about the planets with a very well done musical video. The boys illustrated what they were learning about by drawing and coloring the planets and the trampoline got used, of course.

Later that day we went to a nearby museum (McKinley Museum & Discovery World) to weigh ourselves on the different planetary scales. They have a few that tell you how much you’d weigh on certain planets- among other fun things to do there.

Monday, January 16th is a special day at the McKinley Museum in Canton for Martin Luther King Day and the Robot should be out for part of the day, starting at 11am I think. We might just be heading back over there to see that!

My educational resources used in this post/videos:

  • Gold’s Gym Mini-Trampoline bought at Walmart for about $30

These are just a couple of examples. Another idea is to combine history, geography, and social studies together by studying an event in history like World War I.  This type of lesson could cover who was president during that time, how people typically lived, which countries were involved in the war, where certain battles took place and what kind of terrain those countries had at the time.

You could essentially make your own Unit Study by combining. Here’s a post I wrote about 3 easy tips to teach the Unit Study way. I use a lot of free resources like free printables and the local libraries for videos and books.

Do you have any great ideas for combining subjects? Feel free to share them in the comment section!

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*Disclosure: I linked the planet video to my Amazon affiliate link. You aren’t charged any extra if you buy anything by clicking my link, but I will earn a little money.
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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.