Off-grid pantry planner

Another event I helped promote on the blog this year was the  Lego KidsFest – held at the I-X Center in Cleveland, Ohio.

In exchange for my hosting a ticket giveaway for the event on my blog,  my family received tickets to attend ourselves. I know this event was not cheap. But if you or a loved one are Lego lovers enjoying all-things Lego…you should consider going at least once. If necessary start saving up your money in advance.

Besides the impressive Lego models like R2 D2 and C3PO pictured here (and there were many) there were various stations where you and your children could build whatever you wanted out of  Legos. Some stations were set up by color… all orange, all pink, etc.  Then there was a station where you created a flower and a $1 donation (to a childrens’ hospital?? sorry, can’t remember for sure) would be made in honor of your flower.

There were also at least two areas with hundreds or thousands of legos on the floor and you could crawl on them to get what you wanted to build more creations.

There were at least three places where the kids were given a free small Lego package.  My boys got a boat and helicopter and then a Ninjago package. There were some other freebies too.

There were a couple “store” set ups where you could buy Legos and other things.

I also learned about the Bissell Perfect Sweep Turbo through our experience. I’ll tell you more about that in an upcoming post 😉

*Our family received free tickets to attend the Lego Kidsfest in exchange for me hosting a giveaway and promoting the Lego KidsFest on my blog.

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