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I recently became a Mom’s Master Books Reviewer. And this month I received the Big Book of History to review!

This is simply a 15 foot time-line of events dating from Creation to Modern Computers. I did a short video to show you how long a 15 foot fold out time-line looks like 😉  Please ignore the dirty carpet that is overdue for a cleaning. And the crayon marks on the lego box lid… And the noisy boy(s). But, this IS real life!

The Big Book of History is geared for ages 7-12. Contributing editors are Laura Welch, Bodie Hodge, and Ken Ham. If you can’t find this NEW historical resource supporting the biblical perspective in your local library you can request your library to purchase it!

On the side: I just want to say, if you are a Christian and haven’t heard or read anything by Ken Ham I highly recommend you do! I had to request my local library to search for and have sent to me locally, some of Ken Ham’s videos (Answer in Genesis). Your library is a wonderful resource, use it!

Breaking down the time-line.

Through out the time-line are four high-lighted sections shown through-out time. Orange highlights “World Events”, Yellow for “Biblical/Christianity, Red for “Civilizations/Empires”, and Green for “Inventions/Technology”. You can download a study guide to use with this too.

I think this is a great tool to help your children- even older than 12 in my opinion– to learn history while presenting a biblical perspective. If  you’re kids go to public school but you want them to have a biblical perspective I recommend getting the Big Book of History. I homeschool and definitely plan to use this. And its not just biblical history that presented here, like I said above… there are 4 different “themes” to the history of  the world presented  by 4 different color highlights.

This 15 foot book comes folded in a plastic pouch/sleeve. I show that as well in the video.

So, check out the Big Book of History below in my less than one and a half minute video.

If you can’t see the video on my blog, try here.

*I received a free copy of this book to complete my review from Master Books, A Division of New Leaf Publishing Group.

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