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Our family attended the Bob Evan’s 41st Annual Farm Festival in Rio Grande, Ohio the weekend of October 14-16th and I was meaning to share about it the following week or so. Well, its been more “so” than it should have been. Somehow life became a circus and I feel like the elephants got loose and the clowns got crazy but I think everything for the most part has been tamed and is behind me now so I can focus this week on the wonderful things we experienced in the part of Ohio known as  Rio Grande and Gallipolis.

Rio Grande, Gallipolis, Bidwell, and Gallia County are all names that refer to the areas we visited. To tell the truth, I don’t know where one ends and the other begins. We’re talking small town with French roots and country living along the Ohio River and in the midst, several famous historical figures are known.

Warning…the history lover in me will be coming out this week.

Not only did Bob and Jewell Evans home become famous  for being “down on the farm” but  historically their  “homestead” had been a stage coach stop and inn.

Inn’s way back when weren’t necessarily huge as I’ve deduced from our exploring the inside of their “homestead” and a tour I took through another famous inn…the “Our House Tavern” where General Lafayette stayed in the 1800’s. The names of Napoleon and the last king of France – Louis Philippe (the last of the Louis’)  appear to have a connection to Gallipolis, I’ll share with you later.

To be continued…

Disclosure: I was invited to be one of the Bob Evans Blogger Correspondents this year and as such my family received a similar package as the winner of the Bob Evan’s giveaway recipient which included such things as gas money, hotel accommodations, free admission and free meals while attending the festival over the weekend. All opinions are my own.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.