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Last year…

I was privileged to get to attend the very first Relevant Conference for Christian women bloggers, but this year I won’t be going.  I will be missing out on the fun and fellowship, but I’m not upset. I truly didn’t feel like God was guiding me to attend this year.  At Relevant ’10 I got to make new bloggy friends and meet some in person who I’d already been following online, heard great messages from the speakers and we also got a lot of free swag from the conference sponsors and who doesn’t like “free stuff” 😉

So, Courtney, who is hosting this Blog Bash for those of us who don’t get to attend this year wants us to introduce ourselves. She will be not only speaking again at The Relevant Conference this week- but giving away prizes and sharing the livestream link to some of the keynote addresses!

Introducing, me…

So, me in a nut shell… I’m a born-again Christian wife, professional blogger and homeschooling mom. Besides my blogging, I also provide very part-time childcare for a few families. I have to work so it might as well be from home, right?!

I blog about family-friendly products and places to travel, especially in Ohio. In September I acquired a second Facebook Page called 1000 Things to do in Stark and Surrounding Areas from an online friend who wanted out of it. This  has been a great extension for the local aspect of my blog!

Speaking of my blog…

I consider my blog to be part-ministry, in fact, I view being online as a ministry opportunity open at all times whether its through blogging or Facebook or some other social media.

As a homeschooling, work at home mom you can imagine that I spend a LOT of time at home. And, I do, but even when I’m out and about, I usually have my kids with me. So free time is limited.

My blog allows me to share what God’s doing in my heart and what I feel he wants me to share with the world.

Jesus’ last command to his disciples (Matthew 28:16) after his resurrection but before his ascension into heaven was toGo”... “and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:”… Matthew 28:19-20.  My husband and I are active serving in our church in the children’s ministry and in discipling other believers one on one as opportunities arise. My time for being involved with others is very limited still, and thats where my blog allows me to “Go”. Even unto the world, literally!

I often will share the Good Test link with my readers so they can know why they need Jesus Christ as their Savior and how to be saved.  Yes, Christ died for the world, but until an individual chooses to receive what Christ did for them personally, they can not have eternal life and they won’t go to heaven when they die. Its a message everyone needs to know and my goal is to share that message with the world and let them decide for themselves whether they want to accept it or pay for their sins themselves. The bible says that by not choosing to trust what Christ has done for you will result in separation from God for eternity in a literal place called Hell. And I believe its more loving to tell people the truth about this than to pretend its not a real issue.

My readers and Blog Series…

The greatest concentration of my readers come from the state of Ohio but I have readers across the USA and coming in from other countries in  the world.

In my sidebar you’ll find a list of Current & Past Blog Series that I’ve done or am doing. I’m also the Homeschooling Contributing Writer for The Prime Parent’s Club. I’d like to do other guest posts or maybe, just maybe be a writer to more than one site but I can only struggle manage to regularly  focus on contributing to one site at this time.

That’s me, I look forward to checking out some of the other “can’t go to Relevant this year” attendees!

Going to a conference can be costly. Last year I was able to buy an Early Bird ticket from a gal who couldn’t go,  a Sponsor created these beautiful Blogger Biz Cards for me, my Chevy friends gave me  this beautiful Equinox to drive out there and my hairstylist gave me this makeoverMy hair is far from that short now, it has grown a LOT in one year!

Maybe I’ll get to go to the next Relevant Conference 😉

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.