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I thought I’d let you all know about some of the local 2nd Hand Shopping sales coming up around the Canton area.


A reader shared in the comment section below about a sale in Uniontown, Ohio called The Big Red Wagon and…

… I got word that September 15-16th is the A-round-Again-Kid’s Sale at St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church at the corner of Dressler & Fulton, Canton. There is still time to register if you’d like to sell your items in this upcoming sale.


September 17thCanton Mother’s of Multiples Club Fall Sale

[Admission is $1.00 and kids are FREE]

Because they don’t have a website listed I’ll share the details here:  New Location! North Canton Church of Christ, 1301 East Maple St., North Canton, Ohio –  9am-2pm Huge selection of children’s clothing, toys, and equipment. Birth to preteen. Car seats, videos, books, and more.

October 6 & 7The “Anything Kids Sale”

Canton’s First Church of the Nazarene (30th Street, Canton).  Download the flyer here from Google Docs.

October 8thToy Sale at the Lil Lambs Closet

Church of the Lakes (Fulton/Brunnerdale, Canton). Visit the Lil Lamb’s Closet website here.

Note: I use to sell my gently used children’s/maternity items at Lil Lambs Closet. They have grown so big over the years that they separate their toy sale from the clothing sale. Clothing is sold in March and August each year I believe.

If you live near Canton and know of other 2nd Hand Sales you can share your info in the comments section. Thanks!

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