Off-grid pantry planner

Can you guess what’s happening here?

If you guessed we locked our keys in the van, you’d surely be correct.

What you can’t guess too easily is that we are all wearing our swimsuits. We loaded up the van so we could check out at check-out time (11am) and then head to the waterpark for as long as we wanted to stay.

Know what else?

We were VERY fortunate that we were in Perkins County (visiting Great Wolf Lodge in Sandusky, Ohio) when this happnened because this was the ONLY police department nearby that comes to your rescue when you have one of theseĀ  “oops- I locked my keys in my vehicle” moments.

Thank you Mr. Perkins County Officer!

I’ll be sharing a review post about our visit at Great Wolf Lodge in Sandusky, Ohio a little later this week. But we were invited there to help raise money for Big Brothers / Big Sisters of America (read that post here).

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