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Is your summer calendar starting to look scary? Mine is! Scary as in- B.U.S.Y!

This week I’m planning to share a few posts about some toys and treats that are sure to please many kids- and parents.  Then I have a yummy, attractive giveaway for the homemakers in your life 😉 Update: Giveaway has ended but the links to the Summer Fun ideas are listed below this post. I hope you will check them out!

However, since Facebook has these new rules that are kind of scary to me, personally. I’m still not 100% sure that I will be posting my giveaways on Facebook.

I may, I may not. I’m just not sure because I don’t want to get myself in trouble!

So if you are really interested in staying in touch with what I will be giving away in the future, would you mind subscribing to my newsletter?  Its free and you can choose to have my updates delivered to you by email or by RSS. Your choice!

I’m looking forward to staying connected!


Click the links below to read each  Summer Fun post:

*Also linking this post with MomsTheWord.

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