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This year I plan to do something a bit different with the whole Easter basket idea.  Mostly it will be traditional but I want to limit wasteful spending.  Jesus‘ resurrection from the grave is the real part of our Easter celebration anyways. The goodies are the fun stuff.

  • The basket.

I’ve decided to put the boys Easter goodies (we only have two children- boys) into one basket or container that we already own instead of buying two separate new containers that we don’t need.

  • The grass.

I won’t buy new Easter grass– I think I may have some I bought really cheap awhile back or I’ll shred newspaper or some other paper we have waiting in our recycling pile.

  • The goodies.

My dilemma here. My boys do not need another new toy or stuffed animal and their birthdays are right around the corner. In fact, Jack’s is the day after Easter this year. Brendan’s is next month.

They will not be getting much for Easter but they will be getting something very colorful and useful and something they will likely really love. And then a lot of candy that they will be sharing with mom and dad 😉  .

My plan is to hide their Easter “basket” somewhere in the house and have them look for it.

I’ve only spent about $15 total on everything- and truly, some of this Easter candy is going into our household candy basket for occasional treats for all of us and the kids that I babysit. The candy cost the most. I only spent about $4 on each boy’s gifts.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.