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2010 found me starting a number of good books… and finishing- not too many of them.

I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to “find” extra time to read.  There’s almost always something going on or something to do. I can manage to find time to read the bible and spend time with God but I am not always consistent to finish the books I start. One of my goals for 2011 is to finish the following books:

  • New Age Bible Versions: An Exhaustive Documentation of the Message, Men & Manuscripts Moving Mankind to the Antichrist’s One World Religion by G.A. Riplinger. I think I may be almost half way done with this now…(aprx. 700 page book, *ahem). Yeah, its got some hard to read spots but you’ll get the drift. Long before this book came out I started reading this book myself, I learned there were a “few” problems with  newer bible versions. This book is the product of the investigation into “why so many bible versions”? A MUST READ for bible believers…in my humble opinion.

  • D. L. Moody: The American Evangelist (Heroes of the Faith) I think I actually found my copy at a library book sale. Its part of the Heroes of the Faith series. I think I will collect these as I find them at sales so I have them for my boys to read when they are able. I’ve been enjoying this one about D.L. Moody.  My maternal grandparent’s went to the Moody Bible Institute long ago and my grandpa became a minister.

  • Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand {founder of The Voice of the Martyrs or VOM} I believe I got the book for free from VOM.

The Voice of the Martyrs

  • Seasons of a Mother’s Heart by Sally Clarkson  {Sally spoke at The Relevant Conference and I got to meet her! I bought 2 copies of this book and gave one away.}

  • The Mission of Motherhood: Touching Your Child’s Heart for Eternity by Sally Clarkson  {Sally ran out of this book at The Relevant Conference and was nice enough to send me one for free to read and review.} I want to know more about the Mission of being a mother, don’t you?

  • Created to Be His Help Meet: Discover How God Can Make Your Marriage Glorious by Debi Pearl {Currently I’m part of an online study of this book with about 30+ other gals}. Be prepared to be challenged if you read this book!

Teach your kids about missions at home.

Mitzi was one of my roommates at The Relevant Conference (October 2010) and she gave me an autographed copy of her book 😉  .  Mitzi also recorded a video interview with me while at the conference. She said I could look for it on her website in the spring. She’s been sharing her series of video interviews with other girls from Relevant over at her blog. So you might want to hop over there and check them out at

I know this list is of only 7 books. I actually have MORE that are not so pressing-to-be-read kind of books.  They didn’t make the cut for this post 🙂

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