Off-grid pantry planner

Here are a few programs I use that help me earn money on the side or earn useful products or services for my family. I’ve actually earned from each one of these so I know they work. It may take patience but it has paid off for me. You won’t earn money for your wallet but you’ll earn Groupon Bucks for referring others.  You can get some great deals on dining, entertainment and gifts through Groupon. You can even look for deals not found in your city.  A rep from Groupon told me “If  the deal says it is for online redemption, then it’s okay for the entire U.S. unless it says otherwise.” The image below is linked to Groupon and you can check it out for yourself. The other day I was looking at some other cities and came across a deal for $20 and get $60 worth of photo creations books published through Blurb. The deal might still be on-  click the image below and choose  Houston, TX if you’re interested. Just make sure its an online deal.
Groupon: Get the Best Deal in Your City Today! I mentioned this place not too long ago. Again, sign up is free, using them is free. Swagbucks is a search engine like Google only Swagbucks rewards you with points for doing your searches through them. I’ve earned approximately $60 in Amazon egift cards over the past year. I’ve read others earning maybe $10-$15 a month in Amazon credit. But they have lots of prizes and other gift cards you can earn. Amazon online gift codes just seem to work best for me.  You’ll earn more or less depending on how much you use their search engine, take advantage of their FREE Swagcodes… and I think by using their toolbar which I do use. I think there are other ways to earn with them as well, I just keep it simple for myself.  I’m regularly racking up points at any rate.

Search & Win

I know Christmas is around the corner and it might be too late to make all of these work for you this year but if you start now you have a whole year to be earning!  I’m pretty sure you will find something to spend your earnings on before then though 😉

Click here for more ideas on Frugal Gifting.  If you’d like to get my updates by email just sign up here.

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