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I almost don’t know where to start and I for sure don’t know where to go next or how to end this post. There is so much good and great to say and I haven’t even begun to really process it well.

I’ll begin by saying this was my first blogger’s conference and I have no desire to really go to any others. I hope there is a Relevant 2011!

This conference was about putting God and our families before material things, stats, and money.  We learned much about the bloggy things that do matter in this life, but they come second to our calling as followers of Christ, being godly wives and godly mothers.

I met wonderful women, some blogger’s, some not. I met wonderful speakers who did not wear ego on their sleeves. They talked, shared, laughed and mentored us not only in groups but one on one.

There’s so much more to share, but I haven’t processed it all yet. I look forward to making some good changes with my blog that will benefit my readers and my family.

Special thanks to the Lord for providing in his own ways enabling me to go to this conference. Thank you to @connieburke and @chevrolet for putting me in a suweeet #Equinox to drive in. I’ll tell you more about that SUV later.

Thank you to AboutPrint for designing my beautiful professional blogger cards that match my website. I’ll show you what they look like soon!

Thank you to Erin and Patty at Edge Hair Design for giving me a new hair style and highlights before the conference. I do have some pics to show you on here too.


I’ll just have to share more, later 😉

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This post is linked with TheRelevantConference, 4tunate, and GatherInSpirit.

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