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*This is the 10th week out of 13 Saturdays. Thank you to my dear husband who helps me every week with this series.

The moon, the sun, and the earth…3 simple things we see everyday tell us a lot about God.

A picture in the heavens.

  • The Moon… all banged up, craters and all…represents us, dead in our sins with no light of our own.
  • The Sun… absolutely necessary for life to survive on our planet, gives us warmth and light… represents Jesus Christ, the ONLY begotten Son of God – the light of the world.
  • The Earth  is the World. The World… represents the things of this life that pull us away from a relationship with God, such as…materialism, the pride of life, and lust of the flesh.

When Jesus was crucified, he was no longer on this planet to give his light.  But he told believers this…


Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


Ok, so the Sun goes down, and out comes the moon… or is it us.


We don’t shine on our own.  We reflect the light of Jesus for the world to see.  We are just a dead rock without Jesus, but we are very beautiful in God’s eyes.  But when you take a very close look at us, we can appear to be very ugly. 


God says that all of our righteousness is like a filthy rag, which means on our best day, we fall short of God’s glory.  We live in a day where it seems like the world is sleeping when it comes to Christianity.  But we do know one thing, even when night is at its very darkest, the Sun will be appearing soon.

…”Surely I come quickly...”Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20

Are you ready?

You’ll find the previous 9 posts in this series here. Would you like to get HallofFameMoms delivered by email or RSS? Subscribe here, its free.

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