Week 4 of 13. Just 9 more weeks to go!
Last week I hastily said I would continue the series this week on Darwin and some Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution. Well, I’m not ready to do that post. So I am giving you 15 bible study factors today. These are things not to take lightly. If you consider yourself to know anything about the bible, you must know how to study it. Some of this, if not all, is really common sense but like anything else, a lot of times we just don’t realize it. I don’t remember everything I learned in college but I do remember where I was on campus when it dawned on me just how easy it is to miss things as plain as the nose on my face…that is, until someone points it out.
II Timothy 2:15 says “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.“
My husband, who is assisting me with this series, and I have been very blessed to be part of a serious Bible teaching, believing and disciple-making church. We’ve learned a lot and these factors below are from information we have saved and learned from that background. So here we go.
1. Context Factor
Very important. No brainer, right? Well here is an example where many churches take something “out” of context. The issue of Speaking in Tongues. Long-story short (you can do your own study on it) all mention of “tongues” in the Bible is in reference to speaking another language that you as the speaker do not know. Such as I speak English but I don’t speak French. Its not about speaking some jibberish that supposedly only one or two others can understand. The bible specifically says that “tongues” were for a sign to unbelieving Jews, for the Jews required a sign (I Corinthians 1:22). See also I Corinthians 14:2, 22. When the Jews at Pentecost heard the Apostles speak they said “how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?” Acts 2:8. Remember the Bible wasn’t finished being written at this time and the Jews had rejected and crucified their Messiah (Hebrews 1).
2. People Factor
Who is the passage written to? Did you realize the entire bible is written to only 3 groups of people and you fall into one of them? The 3 groups are the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church. If you are not a believer in Christ, that is, born-again, you are a Gentile. If you are a saved person, born-again, you are a part of the {true} Church of God.
3. Time Factor
The bible has proper divisions, and you must understand these divisions in order to understand the bible. For example… even though the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are in the “New Testament” section of your bible – each book ‘s writings – just before Christ’s death are actually happening under the “Old Testament” Law. The New Testament was not in-effect until the “Testator” died – Jesus Christ. Same thing with YOUR Last Will and Testament. It doesn’t take effect until you are DEAD. …*Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later 😉
4. Application Factor
All scripture has 3 basic applications and they are… Historical, Doctrinal and Devotional/Inspirational.
5. Individual Word Factor
God has chosen every event and every individual word in the Bible for a specific purpose. Proverbs 30:5 And he promised to preserve his word Psalms 12:6-7. And check out John 21:25 “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.” **Don’t you think that makes what the Bible does say that much more important?
6. Creation Factor
The invisible things of God are understood by the creation which He has made. I talked about this in this post.
7. Comparison Factor
The Bible is of no private interpretation. We understand His Word by comparing Scripture with Scripture. The Bible defines itself.
I Corinthians 2:13 “Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” (KJV)
8. Consistency Factor
The Bible must be understood in the light of God’s consistency.
9. Literal Factor
Always take a passage literally until it is impossible to do so, or if we have the clear instruction of Scripture that we are dealing with symbolism.
10. Attitude Factor
Always be prepared to change whatever you have been taught or you have believed when it goes contrary to the Bible. Never make the Bible line up with what you believe. Always line yourself up with what the Bible clearly says.
11. Clarity Factor
Never violate a clear passage when trying to understand an obscure passage and don’t “twist” a passage to make it fit. II Peter 3:16
12. Question Factor
Never base a doctrine on a question. Questions are designed to amplify or help explain something.
13. Confirmation Factor
Never base a doctrine on a single verse or passage.
I want to bring up an example here that comes to mind. I know the Catholics (my husband grew up in a Catholic home) practice the “Eucharist” where they actually believe the bread and wine turn into the actual flesh and blood of Christ (John 6:53-58) and thereby they are “receiving” Christ physically. But Jesus clearly says in that passage of John chapter 6 in verses 60-63 that the words he speaks are spiritual- not physical. Therefore the Catholic church is making a horrendous error in leading their followers to believe such things.
Remember you must search out the scriptures for yourself to verify what your pastors or spiritual leaders are teaching you. Be like the Bereans here in Acts 17:10-11: they “searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”
14. Maturity Factor
When coming upon a passage that you do not understand, you must never violate the principles of Bible study. If you still can’t understand it, either God does not choose to reveal it, or you’re simply not ready for it yet. The Word is spiritually discerned.
John 16:12 “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” (KJV)
15. “Apparent Contradiction” Factor
Always give the Bible the benefit of the doubt. There are not contradictions, only “apparent” contradictions. God makes no mistakes.
Proverbs 30:5-6 “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” (KJV)
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Tracy Zdelar
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Stephanie, as long as you keep the post intact, include my name/blog and link back to this post you can put it on your site.
Thank you. I’m glad you found this helpful!
This post was excellent! Mind if I paste it over at my Secret Sister Shop & Blog?