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What a cool experience to watch “up close” the life of a family of birds. If we were actively homeschooling right now this would have made for a great lesson series to notebook or lapbook.  I remember when they were just eggs 😉  and then they hatched and were just ugly 😉 well, a little bit cute I guess…and now look at them!

baby robins with feathers

The picture above was taken a few days ago…maybe May 23 or a little before. See how feathery they are?

my last picture of the three together

I took this picture yesterday, May 26th,  from outside *sniff*.

Today I attempted to get a picture from inside the house, at the window and it appeared there were only two in there…and I apparently scared one when I did because  he flew out of the nest right then.  I watched one of the adults lead him through the wire fence and into another yard.

the last baby robin

This is the last baby (above).  See him cowered down in the nest? I opened the window to get a really good picture and he freaked out and left the nest too.

the last baby robin

When I went outside to get the picture above of baby in the grass one or both adults was throwing a hissy. I do think Mrs.Robin didn’t take them too far. There has still been a fair amount of squawking in the backyard and a couple robins flying around. I have an idea of where they are but I haven’t gone out to see. It appears the adult(s) are still feeding the babies too.

Be careful baby robins. Watch out for the neighborhood dogs and cats little guys…*sniff, sniff, *.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.