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Last week our kindergartner was on spring break and in addition to taking numerous trips to various playgrounds locally we took a trip to see the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. We can get  free admission to numerous science museums through our family membership we bought at the McKinley Museum here in Canton.


Note: We have since purchased a family membership from another museum that offers BOTH a zoo & science museum reciprocal program. Find out more here: How to buy the best zoo or museum membership plan.


Oh, but first can I say we ate lunch at possibly the nicest largest McDonald’s I’ve ever been too? Lots of tables in the kids area, spacey, super tall slide. I mean. I don’t know, maybe I would’ve gone down it myself if circumstances were a little different. I think my husband said this McD’s was in the Fairlawn area. Not too far from Ghent Road I think.


I really liked this too. Its a map of the world or most of it and the lit dots represented earthquakes, volcanoes and magma hot spots. I think the bluish colored dots are earthquakes. Very interesting.



Okay so this is the part where I have to say… “Say what?” Okay. Well, I don’t believe that the moon (or anything else created for that matter- including my appendix)  was an “accident”.  Genesis chapter 1 and  John chapter 1.



This is the Smead Discovery Center for kids. I counted – I think, over 25 learning stations in here. This is Brendan putting the human body together. They had books, living bugs (in aquariums), crafts, puzzles, books, an organ-thing that played bird sounds, a fossil- dig area and more.



And yes, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History does have live animals.  Eagles, owls, otter, deer, a rabbit, raccoon, bobcat and more. Did you see the cute little shriek owl ?


There was more for sure but you’ll just have to go see it for yourself. They have a parking area that charges $2 per hour I think and then meters along the curb. We easily spent about 3-4 hours there.

I almost forgot! They have a special library area for teachers and homeschoolers to borrow special educational items. I think I was told it cost $30 a year for membership.

The Cleveland Museum of Natural History is worth the trip so take the family for a visit soon!

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.