Off-grid pantry planner

Update: This giveaway has expired and comments deleted.

We received theReward Chore Chart ($17.99 value) system from to try out and review.  The “Reward Chore Chart” encourages the child to be responsible and self-directed in taking care of their assigned chores.  The child moves the hang tag for each chore from hook “needing completed” to the hook  designated for “job completion”.  Tokens from the kit are then awarded to the child. The child then redeems the token for prizes from you the parent or caregiver. Prizes can be anything from special time with the parents or friends, to money, to playing with mom’s scrapbook crafts, etc…anything you want it to be. This system is meant for children above 3 yrs of age.

How we used it.

We have 2 boys ages almost 4 and almost 6. The chore system appears to meant for one child but we made it work for 2. Our oldest clearly got more out of it than the younger.  Earning tokens for later gifts was definitely more meaningful to him, but thats not to say the youngest didn’t enjoy redeeming them as well. Likewise, we used the option of taking tokens away from them when their behavior warranted that kind of discipline and this effected the oldest more. He did not like to lose tokens.

What we didn’t do and I’m still not sure how I want to work this part yet was to leave them totally responsible for moving the tags from the “to do ” hook to the “done” hook themselves. Since we are making this a 2 kid system for now I need to be supervising that part. The nice thing with this system is that I can do it the way I want to.

This system does help me establish routine at home and to see the need for it. Its definitely more rewarding to be on a routine and the kid’s are pretty good about doing their chores when I remind them. Mainly we’ve been using it for things like brushing teeth, cleaning up toys, eating breakfast, getting dressed, etc..  The boys have redeemed their token for things from lollipops to playing with my craft supplies, to buying a special toy they’ve wanted.

The kit comes with lots of  plastic hang tags color coded for morning, noon, and night chores. You also get a lot of cute stickers that are already labeled with chores and show a matching picture (blank labels are included too). You pick what chores you want to assign and label your hang tags.

In the past I tried printed out chore charts to motivate the boys and me to keep a routine and teach good habits. That was good for a little while but then we gave it up. I really do like this system and I look forward to tweaking it a bit more to fit our family.

Have you been to They offer baby gear, baby products, child safety products, and more.

AND…they want to give one of you a $20 gift certificate to use on anything at their site. And if the item you want is less than $20 you can use the extra to cover part of the shipping costs!

Enter to win a $20 gift certificate for anything at (may be used to cover shipping as well!).

Sorry. Open to USA residents only!

Here’s what you need to do to enter.

#1- Become a Facebook Fan of MyPreciousKid and then leave a comment here saying you have or already are.

Extra Entries.

#2- Follow MyPreciousKid on Twitter and come back here and say you have done so or already are.

#3-Subscribe to MyPreciousKids blog updates here and then come back here and say you have.

Everyone has up to 3 chances to win this great gift certificate. Be sure to browse the site and see what you could use that $20 for!

Winner will be chosen by Contest begins March 26th and ends Tuesday April 6th at 11:59pm. Enter now so you don’t forget!

*MyPreciousKid sent us this product at no cost in order that we could use it and provide a review of it.

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