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reusing old glass jars in the bathroom


This is an old post and my pictures show it. I didn’t have or wasn’t aware of the tools available to edit for free. One of these days I may replace this picture.


About a week ago I shared  Part One about giving old things new purpose in your home. You saw what I use in my kitchen. So now for the bathroom.


I found these glass canisters in my parent’s garage and they’ve  been holding  our toiletries in the bathroom for quite awhile now. Personally, I like it. I like giving new purpose to “old” things. I like thinking outside of the box when it comes to organizing, decorating, whatever. You can actually buy glass jars of a different sort at Walmart or where ever. I didn’t have to buy these 😉


Incidentally, when we bought the house it was already purple. Quite a bit of purple tile. Not my first choice in bathroom decor but it was in very nice condition so there was no need to change it. But I would sure like a newer countertop. I’ve thought about painting this one but I’m not sure I could get it to look right so it will stay for now.



You saw how I use crocks in the kitchen, but I also use them in the bathroom. I was going to take a picture but then changed my mind. But I have 2 crocks just the right size for what I want to use them for…one to hold the plunger and another smaller one that hold the toilet bowl scrub brush and the hamper fits perfectly below.


There is another item in our bathroom we use in a slightly different way. Its not old, its a storage unit  made to go over the toilet but we use it in an alcove in the bathroom and put our hamper under it. It provides some nice higher-up shelving where I keep supplies I don’t want the kids to reach and the hamper fits in perfectly.

Part 3 will be about a window treatments I’ve done in the Master Bedroom and Sunroom.


*Linking up at Frugal Friday .

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.