Off-grid pantry planner



Update: I wrote this short post back in 2009 and its almost 2013 now! I just want to tell you that hanging in there doing my searches through Swagbucks’ search engine has really paid off for me.


Every little bit of free $5 Amazon gift cards/codes I get add up and help save us money (there are many other gift codes/prizes to choose from).


If you have not signed up (its free!) with Swagbucks take a minute and do it! And as you tell your friends and they sign up you get credit for that too.


Search & Win


Swagbucks is a search engine like Google and Yahoo but you earn points for searching through Swagbucks. You then can redeem your points for gift cards (I get Amazon egift certificates) or prizes…even money from Paypal!  If you download the toolbar, like I have (so easy to do!) you will be amazed at how much easier it is to earn points without even trying.

Swagbucks is free to sign up and easy to use and they pay you for doing what you naturally are doing on the internet anyways…searching! Click here to sign up for free!


*My affiliate link used here.
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