Off-grid pantry planner

I haven’t really needed promo items or so I thought and most of what I do on this website is free or pretty cheap so I don’t have much money to spend on that kind of stuff anyways. Well, after years of getting these Vista Print emails for free business cards I decided to try them out. Why not. So I picked out a look and paid my shipping. After I became an “insider” I got an offer I couldn’t refuse again.

They called it “giving away the farm”. All kinds of free stuff for your business and you only paid the shipping. I got a t-shirt, a pen, lots of post cards, rack cards, fridge magnets,  address labels, window decal and car magnet…for free. And I think there were other things too that I just didn’t want at the time. Cost me less than $20 for shipping. I am impressed. I was a bit disappointed with the quality of the fridge magnets but that may have been due to the design I picked. But overall, it was worth the $19 and change I paid.

Did I need this stuff? Do you?

Thats the big question, right? Well, it just so happens that yes, I do and you probably do to. It occurred to me that with Expos, craft shows, fairs, etc it would be worthwhile for me to have these items to hand out to the work from home women I would meet at these shows.

Halloween. If you pass out candy to the trick or treaters you can attach your biz card to packages of candy or hand them to the mom’s leading the troups around the neighborhood. Thanks to Heather at for sharing that tip!

Ebay & Trade Groups. I sell on Ebay on occasion and I’m part of an all woman trade group. That means I ship. I can stick my promo’s in the mail with the items I ship.

Gift baskets. If you do any of these for friends or family, you might want to stick something useful in there that just happens to have your company info on it.

The Lil Lambs Closet charity sale uses promotion items, churches use promotional items, bloggers use them and so on.  These are just a few ways to use your promo items and get word out about your business, blog or whatever you are promoting!

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