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kid craft

Easy Kid’s Craft

Paper Flower Bouquet.

The other day my 5 yr old asked me to cut out some flowers for him and then he told me to stick the pipe cleaner through it.  He told me he saw it on Caillou (kid’s PBS show that doesn’t seem to be on now, you can pick up the cds at the library).  I’m impressed he remembered such a  thing and was able to communicate it to me.

So we made a paper flower bouquet.

  1. For a couple of the flowers I folded colored paper and cut one side then opened it to a full flower…
  2. the others, my son drew and colored and asked me to cut out.
  3. Just stick the pipe cleaner through and twist the top into a little ball and there you go.


Make several and you have a simple bouquet.

Kids could make these for Grandma, or a sick friend, Valentine’s Day,

Mother’s Day,  a teacher…and so on!

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