Off-grid pantry planner

Okay, so I came across this idea from another website. Well, actually, I may have learned about the idea along time ago. But at any rate, it made sense to me now.

I hate clutter and am the worst offender regarding it here at home. Problem is, either I save too many things, or there just isn’t a place for everything. I think its partly both. But you have to agree, along with having a family comes alot of extra paper work! I decided to go with the binder management idea and it is helping. Maybe it would have helped if I had taken a “before” picture of the counter that takes on so much clutter. But, I know you probably have a drawer or counter top assigned to the same chore…of being “dumped on”.

how to make a home management binder

It took me a few days to get it together. I had to start somewhere…so I made a list of what I needed help organizing. I came up with 8 categories for us PLUS a Table of Contents…

  • Emergency
  • To-Do, Schedules
  • Meal Planning
  • Brendan’s School Info (this was before we started homeschooling)
  • Restaurant/Entertainment
  • Current Car & Home Ins.
  • Policies, and Ideas

I bought a 1.5″ clear cover binder on sale at Walmart…but now that I have it filled (and I’m just beginning) I see I really may need a 2 or 3″ binder. I like the clear cover because I can design my own front, back, and spine with scrapbooking paper and I can change the look easily.

I used scrapbook paper for all my dividers again, they are the clear page holding tabbed dividers. You can really have a lot of fun doing this. You decide what you want within each section.

In the Emergency section I list things I would want a babysitter to know…our phone numbers, simple directions to our home, our choice of doctor and Hospital, a copy of our medical insurance card, missing child info (the kind you can get done for free sometimes with Police)…etc..

scrapbook paper for a home management binder

Anyways…you get the idea. Within some of the sections I have a pocket divider to hold other items and empty page protectors to fill when the time comes. This binder also has two pockets on the inside of  both covers.  You can put other brochures or reference materials in it.

So, now I want to share some of the links that helped me come up with “my” version of a home management system and a few others I’m just digging up for you now. Enjoy looking at the systems other women have come up with!

A couple of the links above have links within them to other management binders women have made so be sure to look for them. These should give you plenty of ideas and even some resources to print if you choose.

Have Fun!  And if you like, you can subscribe here to get my updates in your email inbox or by RSS 🙂

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